Ending child abuse starts with taking the time to notice it and acknowledge it exists.
From bruises to behavior, welts to words – the signs of child abuse are often right in front of us, but only if we are ready to face it.
Stopping child abuse requires the attention, the intention, and the action of every single one of us.
Stop Child Abuse is on a very clear, very singular mission: To eliminate and eradicate all forms of child abuse.
We are on a crusade to prevent and combat child abuse. Join us.
Stop Child Abuse requires the attention, the intention, and the action of every single one of us. Are you ready to save a child or
help a child abuse survivor? The time to act is now.
In the U.S. 1 in 7 Children
Experienced Child Abuse
Rates of child abuse and neglect were five times higher for children in families with low socio-economic status. American Indian children have the highest rate of victimization at 14.8 per 1,000 children and African American children have the second highest rate at 13.7 per 1,000 children.
Of child fatalities were infants
Of perpetrators were parents