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Un hombre de Billings condenado a 100 años de cárcel por Abusos Sexuales a Menores

un hombre de billings condenado a 100 anos de carcel por abusos sexuales a menores
Yellowstone County Detention Center

A Billings man was sentenced earlier this week to a century in prison for multiple counts of child sex abuse.

Asia Carl Soapes, 40, raped two underage girls, one of them several times over a period of about four years. Initial charges filed against Soapes in 2021 prompted a second survivor of his abuse to speak with investigators. Following his conviction on four counts of sex crimes earlier this year, Yellowstone County District Judge Michael G. Moses sentenced Soapes on Monday to the maximum penalty for sexual intercourse without consent in which the victim is minor.

Soapes was arrested in late July 2021 and pleaded not guilty to two counts of rape and one count of sexual assault, the Gazette previously reported. The charges came after an investigation by the Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office, the Billings Police Department and Child and Family Services. An anonymous tip was made to the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, and the ensuing investigation revealed that Soapes molested and raped a girl repeatedly from the time she was 10 until she was 14.

Within days of Soapes’s arrest, a woman contacted BPD and reported that Soapes raped her in 2009. She was 17 years old at the time. The abuse occurred while she was asleep at Soapes’s residence in Billings. Her report to police resulted in Yellowstone County prosecutors charging Soapes with an additional count of sexual intercourse without consent.

Soapes maintained his innocence through his three-day trial in February 2023, with Arielle Dean and Hallie Bishop serving as prosecutors. Jurors deliberated for about two hours before returning with guilty verdicts on all four counts.

At his sentencing Monday, Judge Moses sentenced Soapes to 50 years in prison for one count of sexual assault, 100 years for one count of sexual intercourse without consent, 50 years for a second count of sexual intercourse without consent and 25 years for the final count of sexual intercourse without consent. Moses also imposed a parole restriction on Soapes’s sentence for 25 years and ordered that he pay restitution to the Montana Crime Victim Compensation Program.

La mayoría de las víctimas de agresiones sexuales son menores de 30 años, según datos de la organización sin ánimo de lucro The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. Las personas más jóvenes, especialmente las niñas, son las que corren mayor riesgo de sufrir violaciones y agresiones sexuales.

Las denuncias anónimas de abusos sexuales a menores pueden realizarse a través de la Línea Nacional de Denuncia de Abusos a Menores, llamando al 800-4AC-HILD (422-4453). El Departamento de Salud Pública y Servicios Humanos de Montana también mantiene una línea directa de 24 horas para denuncias de abuso infantil en el 1 (866) 820-5437.

Escrito por Paul Hamby a través de Billings Gazette Junio 29th 2023

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